Holy Gallows w/ De'Lorme, snacktruck, the Vincent Scandal

Mark’s bringing his soundscape-y goodness thru STL this month! It’s gonna be fuuuuuuun.


Holy Gallows (Memphis, TN) - ambient, soothing, Planet Earth stylings. Seriously, Mark’s performances are engrossing and haunting. You gotta see this.



De’Lorme - A supergroup of sorts. Pure anger & shred with a side of atmosphere.



snacktruck - idk dude I’m gonna bring some drums and a delay pedal or something


The Vincent Scandal - fuzzy solo guitar R O C K tunes that’ll make you tap your toes and shake that money maker


Kickin this off at 8, $5 at the door if you got it. 

Invite a pal that likes the doom n gloom.


For more information, contact Matt Stuttler at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Event Properties

Event Date 10-23-2018 8:00 pm
Location The Sinkhole